The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October, 1875, to March, 1876
A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science

The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October, 1875, to March, 1876
A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science

Book Code: 582104283033
Writer: Various

Name of the book: : The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October, 1875, to March, 1876
A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science

Subject: Catholic Church -- Periodicals

Writer : Various

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Name Of book : The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October, 1875, to March, 1876
A Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science

Subject : Catholic Church -- Periodicals

Writer : Various
The Catholic World, Vol. 22, October 1875 to March 1876 is a monthly magazine filled with a diverse range of literary and scientific articles. Written by Various authors, this volume offers readers a comprehensive look at the intellectual landscape of the late 19th century. From thought-provoking essays on theology and philosophy to insightful analyses of the latest advancements in science, this publication provides a window into the ideas and discussions that shaped the Catholic community during this time period. Delve into the pages of this magazine to explore a wealth of knowledge, presented in a compelling and engaging format. Whether you are a scholar, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the intellectual climate of the late 1800s, The Catholic World, Vol. 22 is sure to captivate and enlighten readers of all backgrounds. So, embark on a journey through the past and discover the fascinating world of general literature and science as seen through the lens of this esteemed publication."
The Catholic World Vol 22 October 1875 March 1876 Monthly Magazine General Literature Science Various Catholicism Christianity Religion" Catholic Church Periodicals

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